Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Lost in Translation

Yesterday, one of the most hectic work days I’ve experienced in a while, I notice my voicemail light blinking. Calling in, I hear a message from my co-worker/friend Mike.

Mike: “Whoa… I just got sacked. Wow, it’s going to take a while to clean this one up.” Click.
Me: WTF? He got fired? What? Why? How?

So I stop what I’m doing and call him back.

Mike: Hello? (he seems rather calm considering the situation).
Me: Hey, what the hell was that message about?
Mike: I was writing this email to Su, how do I say Happy Ending in Spanish?
Me: why is asking me to translate fallacio when he’s getting fired? Is this how it happened? Literal translation could be Feliz Terminar.
Mike: Thanks.
Me: Wait, I’m lost. What happened?
Mike: Why’d you do it?
Me: Do what?
Mike: Sack me.
Me: I don’t have the authority to sack you Mike. What are you talking about?
Mike: You’re phone when straight to voicemail when I called, I see how it is.
Me: Straight to voicemail? How’d that happened.
Mike: You sacked me.
Me: (getting frustrated) How can I fire you?
Mike: You’re firing me?
Me: (taking deep breath) didn’t you say in the voicemail you got sacked?
Mike: Yea, you pressed the Send All Call button on me when I called before.
Me: (starting to laugh) you mean SAC as in the button?
Mike: Yea, that’s what it’s called.
Me: I didn’t SAC you Mike, but now I’m considering it.

Gotta love office humor.

I have some catching up to do… will be back before the day is over.


Blogger Karla said...

LOL, for a minute there i was worried about him being fired.

11:07 PM  

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