Tuesday, June 14, 2005

If you wanna go and take a ride with me...

…down memory lane of South Florida trip #7, or is it 8? Who knows, but I love that place. There’s something about the way my hair frizzes up into a messy lion-like mane that makes me feel uber sexy and free. This time on my way down south (don’t get perverted on me) I brought along mom dukes and Jennifer, my once college roommate, and now great bud, a virgin to Florida entirely. Although we were nearly drowned by Tropical Storm Arlene the first two days (yes, I’m somewhat overdramatic), the last two days of beyond hot sun were all we needed to make the trip perfect. Whether we were rummaging through Old Navy for that ONE bohemian skirt, being surrounded and prodded by drunk men @ Iguanas, losing our minds and having sex talks @ Wet Willies, trying to dance on pained feet @ Bongos, trying to convince each other to dance on bars @ Las Olas, burning our backs @ SOBE, or looking for lemonades @ Hollywood- we had a damn good time. Thanks to Jen for coming out, mom for staying calm and Sira for driving up from the boonies. I love you all and you really helped me take a break from my recently hectic life. Shall we do it again? Of course you know I have pics!


Mom, Jen and I getting ready to catch some grub at El Rinconcito (sp?). I have no idea how to spell it but the Cuban food was damn good.


Sira met up with us and we got ready for Iguanas.


Quickly we were in buzzed mode (Jen u can bitch all u want but if I take out all the pics u don’t like I won’t have any to show =oP )

I can’t help it if everyone tries to jump into my pics… I have no idea who this guy is and why he was all up in the camera.

Party girl found a dance partner.


And I danced with Mr. Invisible. Jen danced with a chair, but she won’t let me post that pic (damn her!).


The cousins cozy up on a comfy couch. I think it’s obvious we look like cousins, but could we really pass for twins? That’s what one guy in the club asked me. What was worse was he pointed at all THREE of us and asked if we were twins. Yes, THREE. So sad, I can’t deal with people that stupid.

The following night found us at Bongos, giving the crowd a taste of our bongo playing skills (sure).


We were better at playing genies in a bottle.


 Jen and I held it down at the bar.


Caught mom reading my Dirty Girls Social Club book while @ SOBE. “Elle, Lauren sounds a lot like you. Do you write about me like she talks about her parents?” Umm….err….


These were the “before they were burned” pictures.


Not sure if you can tell how red I am in that pic.


Getting ddddrrrruuunnnkkkkk @ Wet Willies. I’ve learned I have no control of my mouth and what comes out of it.


Poor thing.


Georgy Porgy… yeeeaaaaa Jen.


But in the end, she’s still my woman.


And finally, getting ready for our departure back to life… “or something like it”.


Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Jen needs to smile more.
Not that smirky kinda smiling smile, but REALLY smile.
She has one of those faces that probably LIGHTS up a room when she really smiles.

You look lovely as always.
Your Mom is kinda HOT!

Glad you had a great time!

10:34 AM  
Blogger Tremenda Trigueña said...

How fun! Seems like we have had similar experiences in the MIA...Wet Willie's? Got TWISTED off the Call-a-Cab...Bongo's? Had the time of my life! And DAMN! Don't you want to chop off your feet after a night of dancing on that concrete outside? And Jerk is right, your mom IS kinda hot... if she has legs like that and is old enough to have a daughter your age...she is my idol!

11:31 AM  
Blogger Elle J said...

Jerk- ur right about Jen, her smile is awesome but she's always looking so hard. My mom IS hot lol. I will pass on ur comments to both. Thanks!

Medi- MIA is THE bomb! I'll tell mami =o)Thanks!

12:24 PM  
Blogger Elle J said...

Crazy- ur too sweet.. but hunny u haven't seen me wake up w/a hang over- NOT CUTE! lol... U'll be seeing many more pics as I continue blogging, I love sharing my experiences. Glad ur enjoying!

7:20 AM  
Blogger Elle J said...


5:50 PM  
Blogger Desiree said...

Elle, its your turn. You have to audio blog. We wanna hear ya, and try to lay on the NY accent k?

6:12 PM  

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