Monday, June 06, 2005

Old Friend.... New Friend??

After spending endless minutes cursing at Staten Island traffic, I arrived at Staples to pick up a portfolio. As I entered the store I quickly became aware of a familiar looking young, Chinese woman who I suddenly realized was my best friend from high school. You would think I would run over to her in a fit of screams and giggles, but that's not what happened. Instead, I had a sudden interest in Post It notes and dipped into aisle two. I felt sweat begin to bead at my forehead, my heart started pulsing rapidly. What was my problem? Well first off, although we were the closest of friends for 4 years, H.S graduation was really the end of our friendly courtship. Without exaggeration I can say I have not spoken to her since the moment I stepped out of my high school and said good-bye to its Catholic walls. A lot happens to people in six years, a lot changes. And I feel like there are people who enter our lives, sometimes intensely, but are only meant to be a part of it for a short timespan. She was one of those people.
So there I was, staring at rainbows of sticky paper when I finalized that I did not want to have the fake conversation, you all know what I'm talking about (especially women). It's when your voice suddenly becomes high pitched because you're faking excitement of seeing someone when in reality if your friendship was that meaningful it never would have washed away. What's worse is you traditionally have to exchange phone numbers with this person and "stay in touch", even though you have nothing to say to them because you're not who you were when you used to know them. They have now become a stranger to you and why go through learning about them all over again?
I came to the conclusion that I had to leave the store unnoticed, so I went to the farthest cash register, with a standing case blocking any view, paid for my items and rushed outta there like the place was on fire.
And the irony of it all is that I'm sure she was going through the same thing the whole time.. so much to just avoid people..


Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

So if I run into you, I shouldn't be surprised if you run the other way and act like you don't know me?

OK, I know where I stand with Elle!!! ;)

6:32 AM  
Blogger Elle J said...

Janette- I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one!

Jerk- how could i possibly avoid a jerk like urself?? never!

11:04 PM  

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