Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

...and heading to sunny Florida, or I would like to imagine that it's sunny, but in all reality I've heard the weather down there has been shitty-- G-R-E-A-T! I'll be back on Monday with stories to tell I'm sure, BUT there is one thing I have to share first...

What happened yesterday...

I've kept silent about something I've been pursuing b/c I didn't want to jinx myself but now I can finally say it .. I GOT A NEW JOB!!! IN NYC!!! AND IT PAYS A LOT MORE!! What this also means is that I can finally start taking acting classes in preparation for an audition (for an awesome part ;o) ) I hope to have in the future.

What will I be doing? I'll explain later when I know for sure myself, but it's something in the range of an executive assistant. During the interviews I was being loaded with so much information that those speaking to me starting sounding like the adults in Charlie Brown: "advertising sales..wah wah wah.. event planning.. wah wah wah." But, don't tell my future boss that. It's okay. I can do this. I can do anything that doesn't involve brain surgery. I'm nervous as hell but I'm not scared.

As I rode home on the Express bus to SI, I had the following thoughts (besides being utterly excited and proud of myself): They say the models you see in fashion magazines only exist as 1% of the population, well I guess that 1% lives in NYC. I must have seen at least 6 model type women on Broadway. Would I want to look like them? NEVER IN MY LIFE. The idea of being that much skinnier than the average size man scares me. How do they defend themselves? I like me, I like me a lot (for now.. catch me in a few months when I'm hating myself for some reason lol).

So readers.. I'll blog you Monday!


Blogger kelly430kud said...

Congrats on the new job!!! I will be looking for a job in the city in less then a year.. just waiting on some things and NYC here i come haha. Can't wait.. congrats!

9:57 AM  
Blogger Elle J said...

I start the new jizob next Wednesday, and will be nervous as all hell. Will probably bite off my new manicure. FL was awesome, pic story will be coming soon. Kelly, get ur ass to NYC so we can do lunch

11:06 PM  
Blogger Elle J said...

Thanks crazy! Who is Bebti? lol

7:18 AM  

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